Today just eight years ago I was laying in the hospital room waiting to be induced with a little girl. Just 2 days before her due date we had to induce for 2 reasons, 1. we were unemployed and losing insurance on March 31 and 2. I was showing signs of toxemia during the last trimester and we waited as long as we could.
Kelly and I arried at the hospital in Provo, Utah at 630am. Our wonderful neighbor and my visiting teacher was able to be my baby nurse. Thanks Kathy! By time we got all checked in and were able to start the pit it wa already 730am and I was 90% and at 4cm. The Dr had arrived to break my water about 10 minutes later. I usually do not feel any labor until my water breaks which I am very thankful for especially if I can get the epideral before that! :)
Just after 9am the nurse came in and asked me if I care if some BYU med students watched he delivery as they had to watch X amount that day. At that point I really did not care WHO was there. Everything was going super until we lost the babies heart rate. Kathy came running in and said IT IS TIME!!! The bad part is we had just been checked and I was at 6cm so we did another dose of Eperidal and I was feeling so sick. I could not feel anything when it was time to push. Thank you to the BYU student that was there to push on the baby when it was time to push. In just a few short minutes Haley Elizabeth was born at 9:51am. Her oxygen level was a little low so the nurses took her off to NICU and Kelly followed. I spent a few minutes calling grandparents and siblings. No one was expecting a call just a few hours after being admitted but what really shocked them was that it was ME that called and did not even sound tired!! I LOVE THE EPIDERAL!!
I love you Haley Elizabeth!!! You are my "BUG"!!!
Yeah ! Happy birthday ...great story!
happy birthday haley! loved reading the story heather!
Happy birhday, Haley. What a great story!
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