Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Haley!!

Today just eight years ago I was laying in the hospital room waiting to be induced with a little girl. Just 2 days before her due date we had to induce for 2 reasons, 1. we were unemployed and losing insurance on March 31 and 2. I was showing signs of toxemia during the last trimester and we waited as long as we could.
Kelly and I arried at the hospital in Provo, Utah at 630am. Our wonderful neighbor and my visiting teacher was able to be my baby nurse. Thanks Kathy! By time we got all checked in and were able to start the pit it wa already 730am and I was 90% and at 4cm. The Dr had arrived to break my water about 10 minutes later. I usually do not feel any labor until my water breaks which I am very thankful for especially if I can get the epideral before that! :)
Just after 9am the nurse came in and asked me if I care if some BYU med students watched he delivery as they had to watch X amount that day. At that point I really did not care WHO was there. Everything was going super until we lost the babies heart rate. Kathy came running in and said IT IS TIME!!! The bad part is we had just been checked and I was at 6cm so we did another dose of Eperidal and I was feeling so sick. I could not feel anything when it was time to push. Thank you to the BYU student that was there to push on the baby when it was time to push. In just a few short minutes Haley Elizabeth was born at 9:51am. Her oxygen level was a little low so the nurses took her off to NICU and Kelly followed. I spent a few minutes calling grandparents and siblings. No one was expecting a call just a few hours after being admitted but what really shocked them was that it was ME that called and did not even sound tired!! I LOVE THE EPIDERAL!!
I love you Haley Elizabeth!!! You are my "BUG"!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Makayla and Haley are out and about going door to door to preorder Girl Scout Cookies. They are doing well. The troop has the goal of 5000 boxes. I hope with the entire troop that they can achieve this. Cookie Preorders go until Feb. 2nd. Cookie Booths will start after the cookies arrive in the first week in March. If you would like to preorder any cookies just let us know by posting, emailing or even calling us before the 2nd.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Makayla!

It was 11 years ago today that I thought I had the flu. I had made it to my due date and even added 2 days while waiting for this little baby. We did not know her gender but I knew it was a little girl! Kelly went to work with me laying in bed with the "flu". I called the Dr when they opened and she told me to go ahead to the hospital and get checked to make sure. I mentioned that I have no contractions just sick. Kelly came home after a few hours of work and we went to the hospital. Not showing any signs of labor I was asked if I had the flu, and I told her yes but the Dr wanted me to come anyway. They checked me and I was dialated to a 4+ and contractions were just a minute and a half apart. I felt nothing other then sickness! I was checked into the hospital and 6 hours later we began the pushing process. Makayla ended up breaking my tailbone and the epidural was not helping with that pain! It was 20 minutes into the pushing that I was told only 30 more minutes and she would be here. I said, NO NOW! Makayla Dawn was born just 1 minute later! No one was ready for her except myself. The Dr ran to Sharon (Kelly's Sister) to have her take the Dr watch off and buzzing for the baby nurses to get there stat. She made a memorable moment coming into the world and had not changed that at all in the past 11 years. She is a super daughter and a great big sister. I love her so much. She is the one that made me a mother!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas gift from a dear BFF!!!!!

Davison Christmas Party

Davison Christmas Party


I told my dear friends that I would update more often then once a year, so I changed the background and colors. JOB DONE!!
Actually I am going to be better at this in 2009. First I would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
We have been busy this holiday break with the Davison 1st Christmas Party. This was the first time in 19 years that my brother, sister and I were all together with mom and dad for Christmas. We were all there except for Kelly who had to work. Poor guy even had to work and work late on his birthday which may have been the first for that.
New Years Eve we were all in bed by 10pm. I have noticed when you have kids that are not night owls you arent much of one either.
Makayla was able to take a small vacation with Kellys parents to Las Vegas for a few days. She will be returning home tomorrow and missing the first day back to school. This week is filled with dentist appointments and a birthday.